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Boot Memorial


The safety of our Volunteers, Staff, Visitors and the community are my priority each and every year. This event was created to bring us all together as one to Honor our Fallen Service Members, Celebrate their lives and share their stories. With the need to maintain social distancing for everyone’s safety this is just not possible to do it properly. They deserve only the best and most professional event done with love and attention to detail. I have tried to think of every possible way to make that happen but I can not do it without compromising the integrity of the event.

So due to the continued uptick in COVID 19 cases both in TEXAS where I live and the rising number of cases in Hawaii that are causing a travel quarantine I have made the decision not hold the 2020 Boot Memorial in Ford Island this year.

We will continue to share stories and photos throughout the year and we encourage you to do the same. We will miss seeing all of you this year. We will start working with the Command for 2021 for what will be our 10th year.

Please stay safe, wear a mask if you can, wash your hands, practice social distancing and always do a buddy check. We are definitely in some trying times and you just never know when someone needs a friend to just call, text or stop by and see if they need anything

SEE YOU IN 2021!!!

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